Sabtu, 06 April 2019


Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Hello my name is Bagus astradi wijaya, my friends often call me Bagus. I am 21 years old, my first child from 2 brothers, my hobby is playing online games and swimming. and I finished high school at SMAN 79 JAKARTA in 2015 by majoring in Social Sciences. why did I major in IPS? Because if I majored in Science I could not use physics. on IPS I get good friends. 
Then I continued my school by studying at GUNADARMA UNIVERSITY by majoring in INFORMATION SYSTEM I entered Gunadarma by taking the test. after that I was received and got the date to attend the 2015 PPSPPT and was told to measure my hair 3 cm (bald) how embarrassed I was when bald and thought this was my bad day and was the second time I shaved bald, last time I was bald in middle school.
Then I got a class to study at 1ka12, the first time I entered the class I immediately sat in the back then I met my next friend. then the first lecturer came and the lecturer wanted the students to introduce themselves one by one in front. then I feel embarrassed when I want to go forward because many see hahaha. its ok i come forward by introducing myself which is the name and origin of the final and finished school. lecture time was empty when I took a break to buy food, because I did not know where to buy food where then I followed the others who wanted to eat where then there was a kiosk on the roadside of the campus G I and my friends lunch at the warteg. 
The day went by the longer I recognized all my friends in my class then at level 2 I got a new class that is 2ka06. This is the first time I have told myself about myself on this blog because of my college assignments. maybe that's just a little story from my life. Thank You.

Wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb

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