Jumat, 19 Juli 2019

Subject, Verb, Complement & Modifier

A. Subject

A Subject is an agent of a sentence. Generally it's a person that do the action (Verb).

Example : My Uncle eaten a plate of roasted corn Yesterday.

My Father pada kalimat di atas berperan sebagai subject yang melakukan aksi (Verb).

B. Verb

A Verb is also called A predicate. Verb merupakan aksi yang di lakukan oleh subject pada suatu kalimat.

Example : I Run Arround the park.

Pada kalimat di atas, Run merupakan aksi yang di lakukan si subject (I).

C. Complement

Complement completes the verb. (Complement melengkapi kata kerja). It,s commonly as noun or noun phrase. Tetapi prepositional (On a table) Phrase tidak termasuk Complement.

Pada penggunaan di kalimat, complement menjawab pertanyaan What & Who.

Example :

I Tell my Father. (Who somebody that you tell? "my Mother").

I buy a dessert to my girlfriend. (What do you buy? "A dessert").

D. Modifier

Modifier tells the time, place, manner in a sentence. It's also called "Adverb". In a sentence, Modifier stated by question word (Where, When).

Example : l bought a new pans in the store. (Where did you buy the new pans? "in The Store").

I slept when you were coming last night. (When were you coming? "last Night")

sumber: https://maxinroe.blogspot.com/2017/10/pengertian-subject-verb-complement-dan.html

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